
Collaboration commences with ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o.

Added : 03.12.2010

On 1 December 2010 DBS Sp. z o.o. began providing comprehensive services to the Polish branch of ALSTOM, a concern operating on a global scale and one of the world leaders in the power, transport and transmission technology industries.

Following negotiations lasting close to three months, our firm began on 1 December 2010 the comprehensive service of a plant producing turbogenerators for atomic power stations throughout the world, in, among others, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Chile, China, Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Qatar, Colombia, Korea, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Mexico, Oman and New Zealand. On account of the very high requirements of the recipients, as well as the rigorous technological regimens in the production (turbogenerators are cooled with water, air or hydrogen), the system for our services was planned in very great detail and they had to meet in their level the restrictive standards set by the concern.